
Showing posts from August, 2021

Business Plan

The purpose of the majority of business plans is to raise finance. Many investors will skip to this section of the plan instead of reading the plan in sequence. A mixture of financial projections and narrative are provided to help the investor understand the financial health of the business venture. Investors need to know the amount of money required to establish the business. Depending on the type of business, some of this money may be recoverable should the business fail before trading. The financial section needs to provide a realistic overview of the profitability and cash flow of the business. The rate of return on investment and payback period are key concerns to any investor regardless of their impression of the management team or the market for the product. Projections are usually provided for a 3 year period, the first of those years will include a breakdown by month. A business with a longer time to revenue and profitability may wish to show projections for 5 years plus. Pro

Real Estate Business

If you want to start your own business of real estate, you might be a little nervous about it, but you should always remember that this world is full of challenges, and you have to face them at every step; so why not here? You might have a lot of ideas on your mind on how to start your very own business. However, the initial step is to get along with your clients and tell them to refer you to someone. This way they will simply be marketing you to other people; not only you, your business too. You should keep in touch with your buyers and sellers all the time. If someone wants to sell their house, tell them ways on how to market their house and always ask the buyers for feedback. If they have visited the property ask for their views, what they liked, and what they disliked. If there are any drawbacks, then inform the seller about those so that they can start working on it and start selling it again. When a client of yours has agreed on a property and wants to purchase it then send the

Legal Business

Your individual state will register your legal business entity, and it's important to understand that not all states recognize every business entity type. The descriptions below are meant to give you a basic understanding of the differences between entities, but you should check with your local government to see which type of business designation is right for your new venture. Sole Proprietorships Most small businesses choose the legal business entity of a "sole proprietorship", where one person is the only "owner" of the business. Legally, there is no difference between you and your business, and while this business entity type is preferred by some because of the ease in setting it up and registering it, there is a greater legal risk assumed by the owner of a sole proprietorship. For example, if someone sues your business for infringement or fraud, they will be suing you, and your personal assets will be on the line if the case is taken to court - a disadvant

Business Development

In the almost 30 years that I've worked as a CPA, I've had the opportunity to see businesses go on to achieve amazing results in the marketplace and for their community and for the owners. And I've seen many more businesses founder and fail. One of the biggest challenges for small business is figuring out how to grow your business, especially in the beginning. The problem is that the desire to grow your business can turn into "grow at any cost" and that's a dangerous position. Growth can be deadly to your business if you don't first weigh the cost of that growth. That cost can come in two forms: The expense of the development strategy itself, and The cost of ramping up your business with inventory and/or personnel to meet the demands of increased business. In this article, we're going to look at the expense of the development strategy itself. It really is the second thing you should consider, though. Fast growth can cripple a small business if there

The Origin Of Profits

After all is said and done, profit is essential to a business' survival as air is essential to life. But how does one make profits? Or put another way, where the heck does profit come from? Proffering an answer to these questions is the essence of this unusual article. This article has been overdue, I'm glad I finally wrote it. I know a lot of you have been wondering why I often emphasize that profit is not the number one thing to focus on in business, well the truth will be unveiled in this article once and for all why this has been so. Question: What Is The Origin Of Profits? I have always believed that there's more to profits than just chasing money. Dr. Stephen R. Covey helped clarify my thoughts when he came up with a perfect analogy in his classic book, 'The 7 Habits of highly effective people'. He talked about the production and production capacity [P/PC] balance using the analogy of a goose and the golden eggs. I am building up on his analogy by relating

Business Growth

Business will be dull whether you like it or not, so get used to it! Sometimes, if the cause is within your control, you could do something about it. At other times, when things are outside your control, there may be nothing you can do. Fortunately for you, this unusual article is about the things you can do when business is dull. The highs and lows of business In everything in life, there will be highs and lows. Business likewise, is no exception. There will be high sales periods as well as low sales periods, both periods are necessary for maintaining balance in business. Both are necessary forms of feedback and any serious minded entrepreneur should focus on making the most of both periods whether highs or lows rather than choosing one over the other. This is a fact of life and its better you get used to it and learn how to make the most of it. As humans, it is only natural to think in dichotomies; positive and negative, good and bad, black and white, high and low, hot and cold, p