The Origin Of Profits

After all is said and done, profit is essential to a business' survival as air is essential to life. But how does one make profits? Or put another way, where the heck does profit come from? Proffering an answer to these questions is the essence of this unusual article. This article has been overdue, I'm glad I finally wrote it. I know a lot of you have been wondering why I often emphasize that profit is not the number one thing to focus on in business, well the truth will be unveiled in this article once and for all why this has been so. Question: What Is The Origin Of Profits? I have always believed that there's more to profits than just chasing money. Dr. Stephen R. Covey helped clarify my thoughts when he came up with a perfect analogy in his classic book, 'The 7 Habits of highly effective people'. He talked about the production and production capacity [P/PC] balance using the analogy of a goose and the golden eggs. I am building up on his analogy by relating the underlying principle to business. Imagine you are a poultry farmer and you wanted to sell more eggs. What would you focus on? Selling more eggs [output] or feeding the hen that lay the eggs? [input] Imagine you are a fisherman and you wanted to sell more fish. What would you focus on; selling more fish [output] or catching more fish? [input] Imagine you are a dairy farmer and you wanted to sell more milk. What would you focus on? Selling more milk [output] or feeding the cows? [input] I could go on and on, but by now I am sure you perfectly understand the point I am trying to make. However, I will like to add a last one; I use this often when I speak in seminars because it's funny and perfectly drives home the point. If you were married and you wanted to have babies as a couple, what would you focus on? Having babies [output] or making love? [process] The point is very simple but very uncommon in practice. As with most simple things, they are seldom practiced. I think its basic human nature to always focus on the output rather than on the input or process. We shy away from the work and focus on the result. As much as I would love to see results, I have always cautioned myself with the above analogies. For every expectation [output] there is a preparation [input] and execution [process]. The outputs we often focus more on in business is profit and they are not automatic, they are dependent on some things [input and processes] before they can be achieved. asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany asianinsurancecompany Answer: VALUE Relating this analogy to business is what answers the question; what is the origin of profits? While it is so much easier to go ahead chasing profits, it is much wiser to ask yourself where profit comes from or how profit is made. I have heard it over and over again from several entrepreneurs this phrase; "I'm looking for a business that can make me some good money." I wish they existed. The truth is that there is no business that doesn't have the potential to make you some good money. It's all a matter of what you focus on as an entrepreneur. Going back to the analogies above, there's no hen that is not potentially capable of laying eggs; there's no cow that is not potentially capable of producing milk, there's no fisherman that is not potentially capable of catching fishes and also there's no man and woman that is not potentially capable of making babies. The key word in all these analogies is potential. This is what Dr. Stephen R. Covey referred to as the production capacity. Without ensuring that there is an adequate balance between what you want [production] and your ability or potential to get it [production capacity], you will never get that which you seek. If as a poultry farmer, your focus is more on selling eggs than feeding the hens that lay the egg, then you are killing the hens' potentials of laying eggs. Sooner or later, rather than selling eggs, you will start making chicken barbeques as a result of several dead hens. Why? The moment you shift focus to selling eggs rather than feeding the hens that will eventually lay the eggs; you've given up the opportunity to sell more eggs. Hens don't lay eggs because you're ambitious about selling eggs, they lay eggs because they have been created to lay eggs if they are properly fed. So your responsibility as a poultry farmer who wants to sell eggs is to properly feed the hens. Fulfilling your own responsibilities of feeding them empowers the hens to lay more eggs that you can eventually sell. Business is no different. Value is the bait your business has to create in order to attract the kind of customers that will give up their money in exchange for the bait [value] which in turn will make you profits. Until a bait is created, don't expect profits. The more bait [value] your business can create, the more money customers are prepared to pay, the more profit you stand to make. Wanting profit without creating value is the definition of stealing. Customers don't pay for nothing, they pay for something. That something is what is known as VALUE. So here's the big question; "Is your business creating twice as much value as the profits it's expecting?" The problem with most entrepreneurs is that they always want to make profits without first sitting down to think about the values they have to create and exchange with the customers in return for their money which then becomes their profits. As an entrepreneur, your business is only as profitable as much as the quality and quantity of value you are able to create through it. Therefore, your task is to think not about profits, but more about value. The most profitable businesses in the world are the most value adding businesses in the world. Your profitability is tied to your capacity to consistently define, create, communicate and deliver value. Until you have successfully established a business that can do all these, you are far from being profitable. It's not rocket science, its just common sense! Oh I forgot, common sense is uncommon! I ask again: "Is your business creating twice as much value as the profits it's expecting?" This is the question every serious thinking entrepreneur should focus on answering through whatever business they choose to build. Meaning, you are not in business to make profits, you are in business to create and add value. Business in other words, is not a money making venture, but a value creating venture. The money (profits) most entrepreneurs spend a bulk of their time daydreaming about doesn't come automatically; it comes as a result of creating and adding value. I personally think most businesses fail because they do not live by this principle; to GET, you must first GIVE. Your getting is dependent on your giving. This is a natural law of the universe you cannot afford to disobey or manipulate. Reaping will always come after Sowing. Harvest season will never precede the planting season. This is an irrefutable law of nature; you either obey or risk the consequences. Don't allow yourself to be deceived, always remember that making profit is dependent on four key things; defining, creating, communicating and delivering value. You must understand that value is the origin of profits. It is my goal through this unusual article to help you understand and better put to use this universal principle of life. Value is your business' potential for profitability Making money in business is a question of potential. The ideal question instead of asking what business can make you some good money is this; "How can I create a business that has the potentials to make me some good money?" The moment you replace the word "looking" with the word "create", the picture about the origin of profits becomes much clearer. Businesses that make good money are not FOUND, they are CREATED! It is your responsibility as an entrepreneur to create a business that can make you some good money by coming up with something potential to offer. Without that input of potential [production capacity] in your business, there is no way you are ever going to make a dime. The potentials of your business to make some good money depend on how much value you offer to the public. Value is what makes your business potentially capable of making profits. In essence, value is the origin of profits. Until you can create something of value, your desire to make profits from business is not only impossible, it is universally illegal. Which one is better Blogger or WordPress? There are many blog host, but the top two are Blogger (Blogspot) and WordPress. They are both different, I think Blogger specializes in content and WordPress specializes in website traffic. I personally think Blogger is better because the better content you have the better traffic you get! WordPress only tracks traffic for you, so if people know you can see where you get your traffic then they might link to you thinking you will link back to them. On the other hand Blogger does not have a website traffic app, so people might not link to you because you won't know they did in the first place.... understand? It may be complicated but you will understand. Also Blogger has better content because they have 1,000's of apps to put on your blog. Think that's great right, that's what I thought when I first found Blogger, but think again those apps take time to load right? Some of those apps take 30 seconds to load! So, if you had 3 bad apps it may take 1 min. 30 seconds to load your blog.Ouch!!! Their are other reasons I chose Blogger. One of the main reasons that I chose Blogger is because of their section on money when your editing. As you know or you may not know Google owns Blogger and Google AdSense. So there is a very easy way to put Google AdSense on you blog, so you can make money faster think that's good just wait! They also partner with you can sell any of their products and make money if they sell! You can even put them in your post very very easily!! Now I have told you about Blogger and WordPress make your decision...


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